What’s New in PowerPoint 2010?

This Thursday, November 11th
3 – 4:30pm
Addlestone Library, Room 120

Among other new features and buttons to mash, PowerPoint 2010 now includes built-in video editing features. You can trim videos, add effects, and do much more. Other great improvements? You can now convert your presentations to videos, embed videos easier with enhanced features and update your presentations with improved animations and slide transitions.

This session is limited to 20 registrants who should be aquainted (at least on a first name basis) with MS Office 2010.  To register for this session please email vanarnhemj@cofc.edu.

Multimedia Resources for Research and Content Creation October 28th 3 – 4:30pm Addlestone Library, Room 120

A session and Library How-To Research Guide about interdisciplinary resources available to support the creation of scholarly digital projects and presentations.

Are your students creating presentations in your class?  Are you tired of the standard linear PowerPoint presentation (a presentation WMD)?  This session will showcase the many different production and presentation tools available to you and your students as well as the copyright and fair use considerations that go into creation of digital and online content (ever tried to put something up on YouTube and suffered the “copyright infringement smack down?”).   Learn about the creative commons, the Center for Social Media, and online production tools for any kind of multimedia presentation.  From finding media for digital storytelling to creating exceptionally memorable presentations with new software tools, this LITE session will spice up your teaching, your presentations, and pretty much your life* in general.

Feel free to stop in or email vanarnhemj@cofc.edu to reserve your seat for Thursday at 3pm in the Addlestone.

*please note that knowledge of digital presentation whiz-bang is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for life spicing

Don’t Miss the First fall 2010 LITE Workshop@Addlestone!

Don’t miss the first fall LITE Workshop@Addlestone, this Thursday at 3pm! Send us an email to let us know you are coming or feel free to stop by 🙂

Collecting and Organizing Your Work
September 9th
3 – 4:30pm
Addlestone Library, Room 120

  • Need help managing all your sources for your paper?  Use Zotero to collect, manage, and cite your research sources.
  • Access your bookmarks anywhere, share them with study partners and organize your web research using Delicious or Diigo.
  • Use Citulike to discover, manage, store and share scholarly references.
  • Share photos and create slideshows with Flickr.
  • Use Wordle to generate word clouds.
  • Need help getting a handle on your research project?  Mind Mapping promotes creativity, helps you solve problems, and helps your brain remember information.

LITE Workshops@Addlestone Presents SLIS220: Multimodal Tools for Teachers

LITE Workshops@Addlestone Special Instruction Session

April 5, 2010

Jolanda-Pieta (Joey)  van Arnhem | vanarnhemj@cofc.edu
Jared Seay  | seayj@cofc.edu

Download the Session Handout: https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B29rc1l_5uzpMDcxNGE5N2UtMjQ5Zi00ZGIyLTgwNmItODY3MGI1MmI4Zjhi&hl=en

Please Fill out the Session Evaluation: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dFRPQlhlTFVGdk5XUGNLZThZUGNhRkE6MA

Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy: http://edorigami.wikispaces.com/Bloom%27s+Digital+Taxonomy

Top 100 Tools for Learning 2009: http://www.c4lpt.co.uk/recommended/index.html

Notes from my real-time research session at College of Charleston

I was fortunate to give a session about research in the age of the real-time Web yesterday at the College of Charleston’s Addlestone Library as part of the library’s LITE series of technology seminars. Here are my notes from yesterday’s session, with links to other goodies as well.

  • Twitter’s built-in trends are primarily useful for identifying big news gathering a lot of reaction, but not necessarily too much else (especially with the prevalence of spam topics). Tools like Collecta surface trends more intelligently and, in the case of Collecta, provide a broader look at the Web beyond Twitter. Collecta brings in photos, blog posts, comments on blog posts, videos, and articles from mainstream media, giving a more complete picture of a news story or event.
  • Apps like Twitter Sentiment provide a visual way to take the temperature of the Tweeting populace’s thoughts on a topic. Using sentiment analysis tools to check favorability/unfavorability of a topic or person periodically over time can make for some fairly interesting analysis.
  • Wordle is a cool way to identify popular keywords in a document. As part of the LocalTweetStats project last winter, Wordle was used to flesh out top keywords, top hashtags, and the most talked-about users in a large sample of tweets by people in the Charleston metro during January and February 2009. Visualizations like this (also see Tweetcloud) make it very quick to scan large amounts of data and make them easily digestible.
  • Text mining tools like Termine are great for seeking needles in haystacks of large documents. This particular tool also can do some cross-referencing with libraries of academic journals. Text mining is expanding and increasingly important in a world where datasets are growing exponentially.

These notes will be cross-posted to the LITE blog on the College of Charleston site. Many thanks to Jolanda-Pieta van Arnhem for her help and the opportunity to give a little back to my alma mater!

Notes from my real-time research session at College of Charleston

I was fortunate to give a session about research in the age of the real-time Web yesterday at the College of Charleston’s Addlestone Library as part of the library’s LITE series of technology seminars. Here are my notes from yesterday’s session, with links to other goodies as well.

  • Twitter’s built-in trends are primarily useful for identifying big news gathering a lot of reaction, but not necessarily too much else (especially with the prevalence of spam topics). Tools like Collecta surface trends more intelligently and, in the case of Collecta, provide a broader look at the Web beyond Twitter. Collecta brings in photos, blog posts, comments on blog posts, videos, and articles from mainstream media, giving a more complete picture of a news story or event.
  • Apps like Twitter Sentiment provide a visual way to take the temperature of the Tweeting populace’s thoughts on a topic. Using sentiment analysis tools to check favorability/unfavorability of a topic or person periodically over time can make for some fairly interesting analysis.
  • Wordle is a cool way to identify popular keywords in a document. As part of the LocalTweetStats project last winter, Wordle was used to flesh out top keywords, top hashtags, and the most talked-about users in a large sample of tweets by people in the Charleston metro during January and February 2009. Visualizations like this (also see Tweetcloud) make it very quick to scan large amounts of data and make them easily digestible.
  • Text mining tools like Termine are great for seeking needles in haystacks of large documents. This particular tool also can do some cross-referencing with libraries of academic journals. Text mining is expanding and increasingly important in a world where datasets are growing exponentially.

These notes will be cross-posted to the LITE blog on the College of Charleston site. Many thanks to Jolanda-Pieta van Arnhem for her help and the opportunity to give a little back to my alma mater!

The post Notes from my real-time research session at College of Charleston appeared first on Jared W. Smith.

Notes from my real-time research session at College of Charleston

I was fortunate to give a session about research in the age of the real-time Web yesterday at the College of Charleston’s Addlestone Library as part of the library’s LITE series of technology seminars. Here are my notes from yesterday’s session, with links to other goodies as well.

  • Twitter’s built-in trends are primarily useful for identifying big news gathering a lot of reaction, but not necessarily too much else (especially with the prevalence of spam topics). Tools like Collecta surface trends more intelligently and, in the case of Collecta, provide a broader look at the Web beyond Twitter. Collecta brings in photos, blog posts, comments on blog posts, videos, and articles from mainstream media, giving a more complete picture of a news story or event.
  • Apps like Twitter Sentiment provide a visual way to take the temperature of the Tweeting populace’s thoughts on a topic. Using sentiment analysis tools to check favorability/unfavorability of a topic or person periodically over time can make for some fairly interesting analysis.
  • Wordle is a cool way to identify popular keywords in a document. As part of the LocalTweetStats project last winter, Wordle was used to flesh out top keywords, top hashtags, and the most talked-about users in a large sample of tweets by people in the Charleston metro during January and February 2009. Visualizations like this (also see Tweetcloud) make it very quick to scan large amounts of data and make them easily digestible.
  • Text mining tools like Termine are great for seeking needles in haystacks of large documents. This particular tool also can do some cross-referencing with libraries of academic journals. Text mining is expanding and increasingly important in a world where datasets are growing exponentially.

These notes will be cross-posted to the LITE blog on the College of Charleston site. Many thanks to Jolanda-Pieta van Arnhem for her help and the opportunity to give a little back to my alma mater!

Notes from my real-time research session at College of Charleston

I was fortunate to give a session about research in the age of the real-time Web yesterday at the College of Charleston’s Addlestone Library as part of the library’s LITE series of technology seminars. Here are my notes from yesterday’s session, with links to other goodies as well.

  • Twitter’s built-in trends are primarily useful for identifying big news gathering a lot of reaction, but not necessarily too much else (especially with the prevalence of spam topics). Tools like Collecta surface trends more intelligently and, in the case of Collecta, provide a broader look at the Web beyond Twitter. Collecta brings in photos, blog posts, comments on blog posts, videos, and articles from mainstream media, giving a more complete picture of a news story or event.
  • Apps like Twitter Sentiment provide a visual way to take the temperature of the Tweeting populace’s thoughts on a topic. Using sentiment analysis tools to check favorability/unfavorability of a topic or person periodically over time can make for some fairly interesting analysis.
  • Wordle is a cool way to identify popular keywords in a document. As part of the LocalTweetStats project last winter, Wordle was used to flesh out top keywords, top hashtags, and the most talked-about users in a large sample of tweets by people in the Charleston metro during January and February 2009. Visualizations like this (also see Tweetcloud) make it very quick to scan large amounts of data and make them easily digestible.
  • Text mining tools like Termine are great for seeking needles in haystacks of large documents. This particular tool also can do some cross-referencing with libraries of academic journals. Text mining is expanding and increasingly important in a world where datasets are growing exponentially.

These notes will be cross-posted to the LITE blog on the College of Charleston site. Many thanks to Jolanda-Pieta van Arnhem for her help and the opportunity to give a little back to my alma mater!

The post Notes from my real-time research session at College of Charleston appeared first on Jared W. Smith.

Notes from my real-time research session at College of Charleston

I was fortunate to give a session about research in the age of the real-time Web yesterday at the College of Charleston’s Addlestone Library as part of the library’s LITE series of technology seminars. Here are my notes from yesterday’s session, with links to other goodies as well.

  • Twitter’s built-in trends are primarily useful for identifying big news gathering a lot of reaction, but not necessarily too much else (especially with the prevalence of spam topics). Tools like Collecta surface trends more intelligently and, in the case of Collecta, provide a broader look at the Web beyond Twitter. Collecta brings in photos, blog posts, comments on blog posts, videos, and articles from mainstream media, giving a more complete picture of a news story or event.
  • Apps like Twitter Sentiment provide a visual way to take the temperature of the Tweeting populace’s thoughts on a topic. Using sentiment analysis tools to check favorability/unfavorability of a topic or person periodically over time can make for some fairly interesting analysis.
  • Wordle is a cool way to identify popular keywords in a document. As part of the LocalTweetStats project last winter, Wordle was used to flesh out top keywords, top hashtags, and the most talked-about users in a large sample of tweets by people in the Charleston metro during January and February 2009. Visualizations like this (also see Tweetcloud) make it very quick to scan large amounts of data and make them easily digestible.
  • Text mining tools like Termine are great for seeking needles in haystacks of large documents. This particular tool also can do some cross-referencing with libraries of academic journals. Text mining is expanding and increasingly important in a world where datasets are growing exponentially.

These notes will be cross-posted to the LITE blog on the College of Charleston site. Many thanks to Jolanda-Pieta van Arnhem for her help and the opportunity to give a little back to my alma mater!