Students in Professor Caroline Hunt’s English 110 course, part of the learning community Critical Thinking: Catalyst for Success collected and delivered bottle caps and lids for the Bryant Holsenbeck installation

Students in Professor Caroline Hunt’s English 110 course, part of the learning community Critical Thinking: Catalyst for Success collected and delivered bottle caps and lids for the Bryant Holsenbeck installation, researched both the history of mandalas and the work of the artist and volunteered to assist with the mandala construction.

The learning community enables incoming freshman considering majors in biological sciences and mathematics to engage in classes offering peer facilitation, supplemental instruction, active learning, problem-solving and social activities.

Interested in learning more about the College of Charleston First Year Experience Program? Visit the Learning Community Website at

For more information on the Bryant Holsenbeck: Bottle Cap Mandala Installation visit:…

For more information on the artist visit:

Event Information:
Exhibit opening: Friday, October 22 – 5pm-7pm (Addlestone Library Rotunda)
*guests can also walk to the Halsey Institute for the Chris Jordan exhibit opening, Running the Numbers, presented by bluesphere: earth art expo.

Artist’s Lecture: Saturday, October 23 – 11am (Addlestone Library, Room 227)