Innovative Instruction

TECH TOOL: Augmenting and Customizing Your Textbooks!

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Customizing your Textbooks with AR!

Textbooks are awesome.  Almost everyone uses them.  But sometimes they don’t cover the material in the same way you are or they aren’t as clear, customized or interactive as we wish they were.  However, adding augmented reality, or AR, can take these static textbooks and give them all the customization and interactivity that you and your students need.


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With the free BlippBuilder online, faculty, teachers, and students can create their own augmented reality experiences. It’s as easy as:
  1. Take a picture of a textbook page or other item.
  2. Use BlippBuilder to add interactive elements such as images, video or text.
  3. Publish it.
Any user with the Blippar app can then scan the item and access all of the interactive links.

Here are some examples:

  • Add a video lecture to a section of the textbook where students have difficulty understanding a concept.
  • Update an outdated section of a textbook with a more current or relevant example.
  • Create solution videos for difficult problems from the textbook that outlines how to solve the problems correctly.
  • Add explanation videos or audio files to poster sessions.
  • Create read-alongs for children’s books for your young students.
  • Add supplemental material to anything to further explain or enhance it.
Really you are only constrained by your own imagination.  

Check out this page on Blippar in the Classroom

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How to CREATE it

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How to VIEW it

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Aurasma icon
iPad, Mobile

App of the Week: Aurasma – Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is a view of a “physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented (or supplemented) by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data.”*  Aurasma is an app that allows you create and view augmented reality experiences.  With this app you can take an image of an actual item in your environment (called a trigger image) and to it add an image or video (an overlay).  When the user points the mobile camera at the actual item the overlay displays.


  • Use a book cover to trigger a video of the literary analysis of the book.
  • Use a scientific poster image to trigger a video of the experiment or an explanation of the video.
  • Use a picture of a painting to trigger the artist’s explanation of the painting.
  • Use a picture of a building in town to trigger a video of the history of the video or a historical image of the building.


  • iOS (iPad/iPhone) —
  • Android —

There is also a web creation application located at