Blending barrel aged beer with regular beer

4 thoughts on “Blending barrel aged beer with regular beer

  1. Barreled beer is something that I had not thought to be appealing or let alone a way of making beer. I found it particularly interesting that there were many breweries investing barrel storage space, all the while never hearing or seeing any advertising for this type of beer. In comparison to a liquor like scotch and whiskey, many people either prefer a single malt or a blend. I question if that its a similar case with heavy beer drinkers.

  2. This article was very interesting, and I think that this sounds like something I might enjoy. When I visited a vineyard/winery near Asheville, I tried a wine that had been aged in barrels once used for whiskey. It definitely had a little bit of a distinct taste, but I don’t know if I would have pinpointed that it was whiskey if I had not been told before.

  3. Barrel aged beer sounds like something that many people would love. I have certainly never heard about storing beer in this particular way or that it was even an option, but if these barrels can give wine and other types of alcoholic beverages some good flavor, then it seems like it would be useful for the beer industry as well.

  4. First thought is that I did not know that innovate is a problematic word so that is nice to know.
    The standard beer has 25% aged stock and that makes an everyday beer is interesting because it’s similar to how wine is seen as better if it has aged qualities.
    Blending barrel beer being hard is interesting because I imagine it is just mixing but obviously that is wrong.

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