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What made Auma Auma.


April 4, 2022 by nicolpe

In this clip, Auma speaks about her complicated relationship with her father. This clip of Auma puts her slightly off centered with the frame possibly portraying how this topic of her childhood is and always will be a piece of her and how it played a role into her being able to center herself in her own life. With the switch from diagetic to non-diagetic sound while she abruptly stops talking, we see how she was caught off guard with her own thoughts and the impact it still has on her today. With the somber music playing once she stopped talking, we see her attitude change toward the topic. The emotion from this song can portray the emotions she was feeling, and the lyrics resemble her thoughts. There is a sense of regret for letting her anger towards her father cloud her desire to bond with him. Her thinking about the past makes it feel like she left behind an opportunity leaving it feel like a void that was never filled. The clip continues with her staring and zoning out. This makes it noticeable that her dwelling on the past is overwhelming and emotional. It also assists in making the audience sympathize and feel close to Auma. Zooming in on her face alienates and illuminates her expression, reaction, and feelings re-circling from her childhood.


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