Kadie’s “Wondering” by Isabel

This free form poem does not, to my knowledge fit into any of the poetic categories we have discussed so far and I think that is just great for Kadie’s poem 8!

It is composed of 5 stanzas of 5 lines who carry the same end rhyme  (aaaaa//bbbbb//ccccc//ddddd//eeeee) followed by a couplet (ff). Its sound is very lyrical due to an abundance of internal rhyming and assonance and consonance for example: “I’m not a fanatical for the radical.” or “I want to sit and stay and lay.”

The content and meaning of the poem addresses the pain caused by prejudice or (judgement before understanding) caused by assumptions about and critical questioning of others. We all have things that we fear or despise in others and they may have things that they fear or despise in us.

I think that the form may be a little sing-songy or for its message causing sightly uncomfortable moments but perhaps these moments are intended. I think the mix of high and low diction created by the strict end rhyme is a little off but I like the exasperated but educated vibe the poem gives off.  It actually reminds me of some elevated vocabulary raps I have heard for example from Nas.

I really like the concluding couplet’s tying up of the message “I am wondering about you,//but you are wondering about me too” I think it could be reworded and “de-clunky-fied” perhaps

Nice work Kadie!


Wednesdays 4pm


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