OE On-Demand is available to all faculty and was developed as part of the DE Contingency Plan. There are no synchronous elements, and you may complete the course on your own schedule. You also will have access to the course, indefinitely, and are encouraged to revisit the readings, tutorials, examples, and other materials, as needed, as you build your online course(s).

What’s the Difference Between OE On-Demand and the OE Readiness Course?

OE On-Demand was designed to help you adapt your face-to-face course for the online environment. It is an abbreviated version of the OE Readiness Course. It does not replace the standard, seven-week OE Readiness Course. If you wish to continue teaching online, beyond the scenarios outlined in the DE Contingency Plan, you must successfully complete the standard, seven-week OE Readiness Course.

Course Goals

In OE On-Demand, you will:

  • Explore and evaluate various instructional strategies for communication, course design, community-building, assessment, and content delivery in order to construct a learner-centered approach to online education.
  • Begin planning and building your online course while having the opportunity to receive feedback from your peers.
  • Begin to cultivate the technological skills needed to create, maintain, and administer a successful online course.
  • Experience online education as a student in order to develop a greater understanding of your future students.

Self-Register for OE On-Demand and Get Started Today!

  1. Login to OAKS at: https://lms.cofc.edu.
  2. On the MyHome navigation bar, click Self Registration for SPEC (Special) Courses ONLY.
  3. Click on Online Education (OE) On-Demand offering.  
  4. Click Register.
  5. The course will now be available under your MyCourses list.