Psychology Department Guest Speaker: Carl W. Lejuez, Ph.D – Tuesday, April 3rd at 3PM

The Psychology Department invites you to attend the talk:


Our speaker is Carl W. Lejuez, Ph.D. from the Center for Addictions, Personality and Emotion Research at the University of Maryland

Abstract: In the past decade, there has been renewed interest in the feasibility and efficacy of behavioral treatments for clinical depression. Emphasizing the contextual factors underlying depression, behavioral activation approaches aim to improve depressed mood through increasing valued activity and access to reinforcement. The current presentation will review the history of behavioral activation including the theoretical roots underlying the development of this treatment approach. In addition to providing data supporting its use as a stand-alone treatment for depression, extensions of this work will be discussed with a specific focus on its application to depression among specialized samples including inner-city substance users and women diagnosed with breast cancer.

Date: Tuesday, April 3rd.
Time: 3: 10 pm.
Location: Science Center, Rm. 121.

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