Hispanic Studies Student Focus, April 2022: Mr. Luis Bravo (’22)

By | April 7, 2022

Hispanic Studies Student Focus, April 2022

Mr. Luis Bravo (’22) is Hispanic Studies’ Student Focus for April 2022.

As has been clear from previous Focus features, Hispanic Studies’ students are a diverse and talented bunch—with Mr. Luis Bravo being no exception.

Within the academic context, Luis is pursuing minors in both Spanish (a language of which he is a Heritage Speaker) and Art History, besides working towards his degree in the field of Arts Management. Outside of the classroom,  but related to his studies, Mr. Bravo has been fortunate enough to secure a position as a Gallery Host / Intern at Charleston’s Redux Contemporary Art Center.

And, as for other skills and talents? Well, suffice to say that Luis has a few, including –but not limited to—being  able to play no less than four instruments (guitar, banjo, ukulele and piano) and having experience working both as a ranch hand and as a pizza chef. Talk about well rounded!

Returning to the context of his interactions within Hispanic Studies, as HISP faculty who have had him in class or those who have interacted with him at one of the department’s many extracurricular events (the writer of the present feature included) are well aware, Luis has contributed greatly—through his course-related insights, through his demonstrated enthusiasm for the Spanish language and its many cultures, etc.—to all activities in which he has involved himself. For this reason, and for many others, we are proud to feature him as April’s Student Focus.

In his own words…

“I honestly did not become interested in the Hispanic Studies Department until my junior year, when I realized I could add a second minor in Spanish to my degree! I wish I could’ve majored and Spanish and taken many more classes in the program as well as in the Latin American and Caribbean Studies program. I had no idea there was so much I could learn and do with a degree in Spanish prior to coming to CofC or even until I started my minor! My passions have always been in political and social studies, and it’s been fascinating researching Latin American countries and their cultures.

Every professor I meet in the department is so passionate about the language and the complex intersecting and rich histories of Latin America: they want us to succeed and to love every second of working towards our goals. Classes like Spanish sociolinguistics, with the brilliant Dr. Weyers, have taught me more than I could imagine about the language and peoples. I have a different intimacy with the language now and I wish I could keep learning here at the College. As a Chicanx person, I feel fulfilled intellectually and spiritually about what I’ve learned and cannot recommend others enough to become involved in the department!”


4 thoughts on “Hispanic Studies Student Focus, April 2022: Mr. Luis Bravo (’22)

  1. Ana Luisa Bravo

    Estoy muy orgullosa de ti mi Gordito!
    I’m so proud of you!! I’m so glad you decided to learn more about your heritage language and I’m sure you are going to help many people.

  2. Susana Karina Cano González

    Es una emosion tener por sobrino a Luis Bravo y que en esta ocasión sea el enfoque estudiantil de abril .Me da mucho gusto saber de sus logros y ver qué se va realizando en todo lo que El quiere. No me queda más que felicitarlo por todo lo que va estudiando y especializandoce,así como lo que puede inspirar en otros jóvenes para su estudio . Muy contenta de ver las ganas que ha puesto ,así como el interés en cada paso de su carrera.

  3. Rufina González Martínez

    Me sumo a felicitarte por todos tus logros ,resultado del empeño y gusto por el estudio que has tenido en tus diferentes etapas .
    Recibiendo siempre reconocimientos por tu dedicación. .
    Deseando pongas siempre el interés a lo que te enfocas y lo transmitas a los demás.
    Tú Abuela Fina
    Que te quiere !!

  4. Karla Valdes

    Dear nephew Luis, congratulations!!! you are always an amazing son, brother, and person , all your family feel very proud about all the things you make day by day like an honorable men.
    Im sure that you’ll continue making a great job in the college and during your life.
    With love Karla


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