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The student will demonstrate an understanding of the industrial development and the consequences of that development on society and politics during the second half of the nineteenth and the early twentieth centuries.

Enduring Understanding
Political democracy depends upon the active participation of individuals working through political and economic-interest groups to protect their welfare. To understand how groups in the past have protected their rights, the student will utilize the knowledge and skills set forth in the following primary sources:

The Homestead Strike 1892

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire March 1911

The Omaha Platform of the Populist Party July 4, 1892

The McKees Rocks Strike, 1909

The Lawrence Textile Strike, 1912

The Homestead Strike 1892

The Great Railroad Strike of 1877

Labor Day September 5, 1882

John Spargo,The Bitter Cry of the Children, 1906

Colorado Coalfield War 1913-14

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