Community Change– CofC Going Green (EXTRA CREDIT)

A common thread I have re read on here is personal change. I decided I wanted to freestyle write about community change, specifically changes that can be made on the College of Charleston campus. Granted some of these thoughts and ideas may be incredibly costly but I wanted lay them out in a place to discuss. Maybe some of you have had the same ideas? Let me know I’m curious.

  • As its finals week and we’ve all struggled to find tables with outlets I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to have solar panel tables. Especially outside Starbucks where the weather has been so beautiful recently.
  • Why doesn’t the College of Charleston Campus have a community garden? Surely there are students struggling to pay for food. Beyond this its provides aesthetic experiences and opportunities to learn about what it takes to grow food. Come on Sustainability Office! I’m sure there is some space around the Sottile House to have a garden
  • CofC should build Greenhouses on campus that supply food and other plants that could be useful for studying in the natural science classes
  • As part of campus combatting heat that is produced from urban environments the Campus should go white. Paint roof tops or any surfaces that can help cool (God knows Charleston could be cooler especially during the summer)
  • College of Charleston should help organize Ride shares coming from Mt. Pleasant and James Island that way to reduce commuters footprint and also combat the issue of limited parking downtown
  • I loved the sustain fest on George St! Even though we have the farmers market in Marion Square having the Low Country Grocery Bus visit campus 1-2 times a week would be great for students to access local produce that they may not have time to get during a busy week at school
  • Because we are such a large presence in the downtown area we should switch our energy to Solar. I feel as if this was to happen we would have such a big impact on the city and hopefully inspire others to make the switch

These are just some thoughts I’ve had of changes we could make to our campus other than clear ideas about recycling and composting beyond what is normally mentioned. Let me know what you all thinkJ

One thought on “Community Change– CofC Going Green (EXTRA CREDIT)

  1. These are awesome suggestions! I believe there is still a community garden near the Poli Sci building, but it could use some love! Perhaps you`d like to submit one of these ideas as an ECOllective proposal?

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