Author Archives: Civia Stein

“Dear Thin Line” Response

I enjoyed reading this poem for the notion it brought to mind. The thin line becomes so much more than an abstract tool used as a guideline to life. At some points the line is a divide, a way to … Continue reading

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Sydney Erwin’s “The Perfect CofC student tour guide to a less than enthused group of parents and high school students”

This poem was a refreshing comical monologue that gave a different perspective to the common college tour. The first thing I noticed about the poem was the punctuation and use of capitalization. When the words grand and magnificent are capitalized … Continue reading

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Andrew Shea’s “Reality”

I really enjoyed this poem for I thought it held a few very good points of imagery. The rhyming is impressive as the poem flows nicely and it does not seem as though the speaker is struggling for words that … Continue reading

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Bernadet’s “Influenced by a Simple Smile, a Hello, a Good Day…”

Even before the poem began I was pleased with the title, although it is long it has a sweet sentiment with a nice ring to it. I believe it brings an almost excitement before you even begin to read. Once … Continue reading

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A sailor’s Passion Response

            I greatly enjoyed this poem, due to its obvious and straight forward nature in combination with thoughtful comparisons. It is clear what the subject is and the reading comes easily, flowing from one line to the next with little … Continue reading

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