Monthly Archives: September 2014

“Checklist for a Runaway Trip to another Planet” by Caitlyn Johnson – Peer Response 3

It’s brilliant how this poem compares moving to the city to going to another planet. For a country-raised girl, one couldn’t be more or less strange than the other. I picked up on the speaker’s rural background from the similes … Continue reading

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PR3 “You Laughing with Your Big Dumb Mouth” by Sarah Fils-Aime reviewed by Caitlyn Johnson

Sarah’s poem “You Laughing with Your Big Dumb Mouth” seems to be about a speaker who is admirable of yet frustrated with the person that she loves.  The speaker appears to be admiral of the person in the poem in … Continue reading

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Richard’s Response to Kadie’s Poem “A List of Things I Forgot to Say”

Richard’s Response to Kadie’s Poem “A List of Things I Forgot to Say” Katie has written a poem about the regret she feels in failing to say enough (do enough?) to sustain a relationship now lost. The poem is composed … Continue reading

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PR2: Campbell reviews Tanner’s Poem 2

Peer Response: Tanner Moss Tanner’s poem uses the Anglo-Saxon poetic line, meaning at least three of the words in each line start with the same sound.  The poem seems to be about a woman who because of her alcoholic ways, … Continue reading

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PR2: Kadie reviews Johnsie’s “Typewriter”

Typewriter Johnsie Wilkinson             I find Johnsie’s poem very interesting. It is made up of four stanzas; the first three are four lines, each one full sentence. The last stanza is three lines, but she only uses one word to … Continue reading

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Campbell Cornelson’s “Sandy Sunset” response by Tanner Moss

Campbell’s poem is about the speaker’s observations of the beach as the day finishes out and before night takes over. The poem uses a lot of alliteration that plays on the reader’s senses, which gives the reader the feeling of … Continue reading

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Isabel’s “Bisexual Blessing” by Sienna Goering

I loved this poem. Isabella chose “B” as her central alliterative letter. I love how that letter carries so much weight (body, bubble, burst, blow, boobs, Big Bang) the letter seems made to describe things big and bold (hah). Yet, … Continue reading

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Sienna’s untitled Poem 2 reviewed by Isabel

Sienna made some really smart choices and responded to this prompt creatively and intelligently. By beginning with a quote prefacing the content of the poem- “The life of a universe, like each of our lives, may be a mere interlude … Continue reading

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Sarah’s response to”Navigate the Ocean” by William Weaks

“Navigate the Ocean” seems to be the narrative of a speaker who, in the most literal sense, does not believe in following the stars for sense of sailing directions, but would rather use the navigation technology that humans have created. … Continue reading

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Response to Tori Akerley’s “At the Library”

The first thing I noticed about this poem was the scattered typographical arrangement. Without even reading the poem, this let me know that the speaker’s thoughts, and maybe even emotions, were going to be somewhat strewed. The first few lines … Continue reading

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