Monthly Archives: September 2014

Sarah’s Response to Derek Borden’s Poem

Derek’s poem “I am an Individual” is a narrative of the speaker simply unleashing a list of his preferences that give readers insight into who he is. The poem is broken into four stanzas each with four lines. The first … Continue reading

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Taylor Fussell’s Response to Casey’s poem, “Awkward Conversation Topics”

I really enjoyed this poem. The presentation of serious topics was beautifully done and I like the different way you chose to describe these topics. In the first topic of discussion, I liked how you didn’t just say, “people in … Continue reading

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PR3: Haley’s Response to Isabel’s “Explaining Anxiety to an Intimate Partner”

Isabel’s poem shows, symbolically, how anxiety can so easily take over ones emotions. Her poem depicts a girl attempting to explain her anxiety to her significant other, all the while finding things to be anxious about. Isabel shows how hard … Continue reading

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PR 3: Response to C. Wilcox’s Poem “Blood on Her Finger”

“Blood on Her Finger” is an incredibly well-written poem by Chris Wilcox. The poem is about the Blood Diamond trade, and the enslavement of children and adults in the mining of diamonds. There are a number of great things going … Continue reading

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Response to Johnsie’s poem “To My Niece”

Johnsie’s poem is addressed to the speaker’s niece and focuses on memories of the times she had when her niece was young leading up to a tragic moment/diagnosis.  Throughout the poem it is undeniable that the speaker loves her niece … Continue reading

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Kathryn’s Response to Jess’s Poem

This is poem about so many different things. The speaker explores the subject matter of what it means to have a to study in a world where she feels so much more is happening. She uses a distinct and personal … Continue reading

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Response to Caroline Connell’s “Things That Feel Like You” (by Cori Futrovsky)

Response to Caroline Connell’s “Things That Feel Like You” by Cori Futrovsky Caroline followed option three on the prompt, which I found very interesting. While writing my own poem, I found it hard to include a foreign-language word or phrase, … Continue reading

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Amber’s Response to Tanner’s “Dear Michael,”

Tanner chose to use a single line style of poetry. It is unclear if the poem is titled or untitled, as the potential title could also be the first line of the poem. So this could be either a sestet … Continue reading

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Response to Kathryn Matheson’s “In the Pan”

The first thing I noticed about this poem is how full it is of imagery. The first line hits you with this as it describes “the sawtooth oak tree sways, whispering his lines against the cement colored sky.” This sets … Continue reading

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PR3: Casey on Taylor’s “Imagine Dragons

This was a poem that I really enjoyed reading. At first it was a bit confusing but once I understood what all the words meant and connected all the extraneous words together, it made sense. The speaker is a creative … Continue reading

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