Blake Escarpment South (Dive EX1806-04)


Biota Highlight Movies

Image Galleries


This NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer ROV dive (EX1806-04) was the fourth of 17 successful dives during the 2018 Windows to the Deep expedition (June 2018).  These dives investigated the similarities and differences in community composition among deep-water habitats of the Southeast U.S. continental margin. The site, roughly 164 kilometers east of Florida, features isolated mounds unlike others the expedition had seen before.

Using the ROV Deep Discoverer (‘D2‘) scientists observed fields of rock rubble with light covering of sediment around 1,310 m below the surface. The slope of the dive site increased as D2 made its way along the dive track. A unique series of terraces were seen during the dive, covering 200 meters of continental slope. A vertical scarp was encountered at the end of the dive, with a broad, flat rocky terrace at its top where several samples were taken.

Numerous organisms were observed during this dive, suggesting this site has ample habitat and food to support a high diversity of organisms.  Review the Image Galleries and Biota Highlight Movies, below to examine the many organisms seen along the dive track.


Watch this overview video of EX1806 Dive 04, condensing a 6-hour dive into 12 minutes of narrated highlights.

During Dive EX1806-04, ROV Deep Discoverer dove to depths between 1,320 and 1250 m, with the primary objective to characterize the distribution and abundance of benthic megafauna. At the beginning of the dive, the site had a relatively low slope area with several small, low-relief terraces.  Further along the dive, exposed rock layers occurred as the slope increased, revealing a nearly vertical rock wall, or scarp at the top. An exceptionally diverse community of sessile megafauna was observed, as well as a few exciting mobile megafauna. To explore further, check out our seafloor maps, biota  movies, and image galleries, below.



Biota Highlight Movies

Image Galleries




Dive EX1806-04 Seafloor Maps


The white L-shaped line denotes the dive location on this bathymetric map of Blake Escarpment South (made using QPS Qimera).




Dive EX1806-04 Biota Highlight Movies


Each movie of a taxonomic group documents the different genera observed during the dive.



Dive EX1806-04 Image Galleries


Image Galleries show the variety of habitats where each of the observed genera were encountered.
An overview of the geomorphology (seafloor characteristics) is also included.

Geomorphologic Overview