Gwyneth Scally’s Wilderness Management


For my first blog post, I wanted to write about the exhibit at Redux.  I have wanted to write a little blurb about the artist since I met her and heard what she had to say about her art. It was fascinating and really resonated with me.

The exhibit is called Wilderness Management and the artists name is Gwyneth Scally. The exhibit came to Redux on August 2nd and will be there until the 5th of October. I helped set up the exhibit with the artist to it was really interesting to see her process of how she created her mood in our space. She gave a talk about her artwork on opening night and I thought I would share what she had to say. Her entire talk was about succumbing to the awesome power of nature. She spoke off all these excursions throughout history that had been ravaged by bad weather, harsh conditions, predators. I thought it was really interesting because I used to work in the outdoor industry. My company would take middle schoolers out into the woods and teach them soft skills like team work and effective communication. But we were still out in the woods and the conditions would get really rough sometimes. I can recall trips where I was terrified, but you can’t tell a fifth grader  that his chances of getting struck by lightning are actually really good from where we are sitting on this mountain.

When she was giving her talk I was just going over all these events in my head where nature scared the hell out of me. I think that relation to someone’s work is what keeps people attending art shows and going to galleries. Maybe you don’t feel that relation with 99% of the art that you see, but when you see something and it hits you, its a very personal experience. I think it keeps people coming back.

Come check it out though, Im there Tuesdays and Thursdays and Ill show you around!

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