Religion in the Dispossessed

For this blog post, I will discuss the passage early on in Chapter 1 of The Dispossessed. This passage states,

“–So he sees me- how? As a dangerous atheist. An atheist! Why?

–Why, because you’re an Odonian from Anarres- there’s no religion on Anarres.

–No religion? Are we stones on Anarres?  

-I mean established religion- churches, creeds.” (p. 14)


In today’s society many people feel threatened by atheism. People often wonder where your morals and ethics come from. People do not understand how you can choose from right and wrong if you do not believe in a god. The question is often asked, what’s keeping you from doing bad things? Shevek is perceived as an atheist because he comes from a planet that does not have an established religion.  Dr. Kimoe sees this as a foreign ideology. If Anarres does not have an established religion then everyone must be atheists.  

There is a pressure to be classified as something. Shevek needs to be classified as an atheist even though he isn’t an atheist. Shevek comes from a planet that  doesn’t have an established religion. In the passage, it does not clarify whether he has any specific beliefs.

Since Shevek is not from an established religion, it could be perceived as dangerous to others. He is a foreigner in Urras. Urras has an established religion and that makes Shevek an alien.  He is perceived to be a  foreigner because it is seen that he does not have the same morals and ethics as the people of Urras. When you have an established religion there are not only expectations but criticisms of anyone that is different. When someone comes into a new setting with a group of people who have a different set of morals and ethics there will be an uneasiness.