Tag Archives: Dept of Hispanic

Dr. Pérez-Núñez’s Study to Appear in _Heritage Language Journal_

Professor Antonio Pérez-Núñez’s article “The Acquisition of Spanish Gender Marking in the Writing of Heritage and Second Language Learners: Evidence from the Language Classroom” has been accepted for publication in Heritage Language Journal.

HISP Faculty Focus, April 2018: Professor Lauren Hetrovicz

  An Adjunct Lecturer in the Department of Hispanic Studies since 2015, Professor Hetrovicz completed doctoral coursework at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where she also earned her M.A. in Hispanic Linguistics and her B.A. in Spanish and Linguistics.  She is a faculty-favorite among students at the College of Charleston where she has taught […]

Finalists for Sigma Delta Pi’s 12th Annual S.C. Spanish Teacher of the Year Program

The College of Charleston’s and The Citadel’s chapters of Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society, are proud to announce the finalists for their 12th annual South Carolina Spanish Teacher of the Year Award for 2016: Loyda McClellan of Fort Dorchester High School Stephanie Schenck of Clover High School Kathleen Stafford of Irmo High School All three finalists will receive […]