Nature Inspiration at the Harbor

My connection to nature goes back very far. As long as I can remember I have been in love with all the green spaces around me. I always loved exploring the beach, going hiking, going camping, going out on the boat or on my kayak or anything that got me outside. I was the kid who would be outside digging in the dirt catching bugs, worms, frogs and lizards just to watch them exist. My connection to nature has changed over time in the way that when I was growing up, it was more of a innocent curiosity. Now, I want to make a career interacting with and learning about all different types of animals, plants and insects. I want to spend my life learning about what makes our planet special and helping others understand it’s beauty too. There is so much life on this planet we might not even know about and that’s what excites me about being alive is knowing that there is so much I get to learn about. I think that is important to have a connection with nature because nature is what keeps us alive. We eat food that comes  from nature, whether it be plant or animal based, we build houses from nature, we essentially get everything we need to survive from nature. We need a connection to understand how to take care of nature so we can have these resources that we use every day for years to come.

To reflect on how connected to nature I am, I went down to the Aquarium and there is a small park nearby called The Charlotte Street Park. It is a beautiful park overlooking the harbor. I chose this place because I feel most connected to nature when I am on the water. I love anything to do with the ocean or rivers or lakes. There is something about the mystery and the creatures that lie beneath the surface that fascinates me and excites me at the same time. It makes me realize how small humans are in the scope of every living creature on the planet and how much more I have to learn about what lives on Earth. While I was there, I thought about a lot of things. Every time I enjoy some time near or on the water, I always think about how we don’t know whats under the surface. Of course we know what COULD be there right now, but we don’t know what is right there, right now. I love that mystery. I also began to think about how much trash must be in the beautiful harbor and this thought saddened me. I saw a chip bag floating in the water. It is crazy to me to think that people care so little about something so beautiful. There is a wealth of life under the ocean and we have yet to discover it. This reminds me about how much life has to give you as long as you go out there and get it. I do know we weren’t supposed to be on our phones, but it was so beautiful out I had to take a few pictures over the harbor.

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