Personal Change

Recently I have been trying to lower my contribution to the overuse and misuse of single-use plastics. After emptying out about seven to-go coffee cups from my cars one day, I was confronted with the complacent way I have always viewed these items. The universal nature of these products allows their actual environmental impact to go relatively unnoticed. Also, there is a massive disconnect between us and where our trash goes after we throw it away. Single-use plastics are rarely thought of ever again after finishing whatever short-lived purpose they are intended for.

This problem is thankfully becoming more widely known, with an entire “zero waste” industry being created. A more minimalistic and low impact mindset has become the new fad. Although this might just be an empty trend, there are clear benefits in the message of single-use plastics harm being spread. The market has adopted this idea, with companies that have not made some kind of positive environmental change falling behind. While first trying to address my gross overuse of plastics I researched what products are available to curb the need for them. I first bought a collapsible stainless steel straw, which has been great! I also have been making an effort to bring my own reusable coffee mug to the library or cafes. I have found that many places in Charleston actually give a small discount off of your drink if you bring your own mug! Another product that is making waves in this industry is beeswax food wrap, which replaces plastic bags. This product is easy to use and has proved to be effective in keeping food fresh. I ordered a set of bamboo silverware, which I am excited to try out!

One of the hardest parts about this transition was remembering to bring the various zero waste products when I leave the house. I found keeping them in my backpack or purse helped to solve this. Also, it was hard to resist the ease and convenience of single-use plastics, especially when there was no other option. The amount of comfortability that comes along with an average life nowadays is amazing. Although the simple act of saying no to single-use plastics seems as though it would not make much of a difference, it truly does. If everyone made a simple and small effort towards cutting out this part of consumption, the effects would be successful. This would be an example of collective action, which is needed to attack the overwhelming and wicked problem. I found the transition to more conscious and eco-friendly products easy. With a simple lifestyle and mindset shift, there is no need to rely on single-use plastics. There are many advances in our consumer culture towards a more environmentally friendly society. Overall, the incentive to make this shift is clear and the products are readily available. For anyone wanted to make this transition I recommend the company “Package Free Shop” and also there is a ton of great stuff on Amazon! 

One thought on “Personal Change

  1. I unfortunately am so bad with single plastic use! I feel like I do great because I use a reusable water bottle and some environmentally friendly things, but I know I could be so much better and smarter when it comes to plastic use! I agree it is so hard to be plastic free on the go, but I like your tip of keeping things in your backpack/purse. Most recently, when I go to the grocery store and buy produce, instead of putting my produce in a little plastic bag I just put it all in the cart. As simple as this is I realized how silly it was that we even bagged produce like that in the first place because as soon as I return from the store I would take the produce out of the plastic bags and toss them! I definitely want to check out Package Free Shop and see what other changes I can make in my daily routine as well! Thanks for these tips!!

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