News Report Take-Away

“Andrew Wheeler, Who Continued Environmental Rollbacks, Is Confirmed to Lead EPA”

  • The source of the article I chose was The New York Times.
  • The main point of this article was to discuss the policies of the newly elected administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency and compare them to the previous administrator, to get a better feel for how the new administrator will be handling the countries environmental issues.
  • As of February 28th, 2019, Andrew Wheeler won the Senate vote to lead the EPA. Wheeler has been acting administrator since July 2018, following the resignation of the former administrator, Scott Pruitt.
  • It is noted in the article that while there seem to be many things similar between the policies and views of both administrators, Wheeler has brought a new demeanor to the agency. In conclusion, the biggest difference between both administrators being that Wheeler has spent more time as a Washington insider and will be less likely to go out, for lack of a better term, the way Pruitt was forced into resignation.
  • This article is relevant to society because most, if not all, environmental issues affect everyone worldwide. Those in the government and EPA have the power to make the biggest changes through policy and law to combat these issues as a nation.
  • This article makes a connection with the course, as we just recently started learning about pollution and will continue into climate science, in showing some of who has the power to change, make, and repeal the policies that regulate several types of pollution and other impactful issues on the environment.

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