How I Met Walt Whitman

How I Met Your Mother“How I Met Your Mother” tells the story of architect Ted Mosby as he recounts it to his children in the year 2030. Over 9 seasons, the last and final of which is still running, Ted recalls his life year by year. The show uses flashbacks liberally, and the narrative is often non-linear to add suspense and drama. Ted’s stories always include his best friends: couple-since-college Marshall and Lily, wingman Barney, and all around Canadian Robin.

In many ways, this show is a modern “Song of Myself,” a lonely man searching for, and ultimately finding, meaning in relationships. This is one of the core elements of the American dream – the melting pot, the idea that when everyone comes together all their dreams can collectively come true. HIMYM doesn’t stop there, but embodies the American dream in many ways:

1. A-bang-bang-bangity bang. Happiness is pursued frequently, single-mindedly, and by all. In several episodes the show pokes mild fun at virgins, or even anyone who hasn’t had sex for a while (“a while” being 5 months).  Barney is sometimes seen questioning whether his promiscuous ways make him happy, but the answer is usually always “yes.” All in all, the show if not endorses, certainly advertises free sex.

2. The One. The focus of the whole show is Ted’s never-ending chase of “the One” – the woman who is perfect for him, who will make him happy for the rest of his life. In the wake of his chase is the foul dust of broken relationships and multiple restarts. Gatsby, anyone?

3. The Story. Throughout the show, the importance of the story over the facts is emphasized many times. The use of flashbacks makes this not only an important point, but a central part of the show. Often the narrator admits that he doesn’t remember what happened, and stories are told differently from different viewpoints.

The American dream is the lifeblood of How I Met Your Mother – an epic tale, a hero, a quest for happiness – and two super bored kids sitting on a couch for nine years.