Modern Family / Modern Satire

ABC’s Modern Family is a television series that focuses on “types” of families found in America today.  There are three households: The Dunphys—a married couple with three children, Cam and Mitchell—a homosexual couple with an adopted daughter, and The Pritchetts—an older man with a younger wife who moved from Colombia with her son.  All three of these individual households are part of the same complex and hilarious family.  Where else in the world could you find such a diverse family?  Modern Family satirizes the America of today and outlines in a comic way the stereotypes of our nation.

Modern Family contributes to the American narrative by showing America as a place of acceptance, freedom, and hard work.  It demonstrates the white picket fence and all of the things that can go awry within it.  No one in the family considers Cam and Mitchell’s relationship to be strange and no one cares that Gloria and Manny are from Colombia.  While they make fun of each other’s quirks as all families do, there is no loss of acceptance due to background, sexuality, or ethnicity.  Modern Family promotes America as a place of acceptance, a place where you are free to be the person that you are.  This television series shows America as a melting pot, where all people are accepted, but where sometimes our differences boil over in a comic fashion.