Did You Know Jhumpa Lahiri?

Not only is Jhumpa Lahiri a strikingly gorgeous Indian-American author, but she is also a unique and humble writer. Jhumpha Lahiri was born in London in 1967, and was raised in Rhode Island by her Bengali parents. Her most popular works include The Interpreter of Maladies, The Namesake, and Unaccustomed Earth. She won the http://robertarood.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/arar01_jhumpa_lahiri.jpgPEN/Hemingway Award in 1999, the Pulitzer Prize in 2000, and has won eleven other awards throughout her literary career thus far (No big deal, right?). Mrs. Lahiri also has an extensive educational background. While I am barely scraping by to get one bachelors degree, Jhumpa Lahiri has THREE Masters Degrees! One is in English, one in Creative Writing, and the last one is in Comparative Literature. All of these degrees she earned from Boston University. Not to mention, this amazing female writer also has a PH. D in Renaissance Studies. This woman is insanely ambitious.

Lahiri’s style is all about simplicity. Lahiri is not as interested in dressing up her stories with elaborate language like some authors are. As a writer involved in the Post-Modernist Movement, Jhumpa Lahiri’s literature uses concise language and focuses on representing specific points of views and themes. The majority of Lahiri’s work also centers around her own personal experiences as well as her own cultural identity. Obviously, Mrs. Lahiri is still writing and producing literature. Her most recent book was published in 2013 and is titled The Lowland. No pressure, but YOU MOST DEFINITELY NEED TO GET YOUR HANDS ON ONE OF HER STORIES!!!


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Learn more about Jhumpa Lahiri and get access to her books here


Reflections on “Living an Apple Pie Life”

If you could make a list of themes that portray our generation as well as the generations around us, what would you come up with? Certainly one of the things on that list would have something to do with working all the time, or very hard atleast, to achieve one’s dreams. That is however, the “American Dream,” what this country was initially founded off of.The popular television series, “Supernatural” conveys this quite nicely through two brothers who seem obligated to work constantly for the majority of their time in hopes that they will find peace and revelation soon. Unfortunately, these guys never really get a break from hunting demons and such; in fact, the story pretty much implies that the two brothers, Sam and Dean, will end up fighting vicious creatures for the rest of their lives. In grade school we are brought up believing that we can be anything we want to be, achieve anything we want to achieve. Though this notion can and has happened for people, everybody knows that there are many who struggle with finding a job once they graduate college, or who never really end up doing what they want to do because it just doesn’t pay enough. Life provides a lot of conflicts that sometimes get in the way of our dreams, but it is still important to be optimistic. The two protagonists in the show “Supernatural” are a great example of how to keep on living even when times get really, freakishly rough. Life’s not going away so might as well make the best of it.