How America Changes

Throughout this semester we have seen a lot of American authors who want to do something different. Not just to be different, but because America was not what the great authors that preceded them promised. I must argue that this is an ongoing theme in America even today. One of the most amusing examples to me is the new TV show Sleepy Hollow. In the show Ichabod, a revolutionary comes back to life in modern day Sleepy Hollow only to find it has changed a great deal. There are some obvious things that surprise him at first, like cars, but he quickly begins criticizing modern Americans for how they are living. Many times he points out that this America is not the one that our Founding Fathers were creating. We can find this theme in a good many more TV shows, movies and books that are very recent. I believe that this is partially due to the strain we currently have on our society, and also because the world is not living up to the expectations of generations before ours.

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