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CofC degree provides foundation for graduate work

Posted by: Melissa Page | June 24, 2013 | No Comment |

Laurel Shaler
SOCY ’03

What have you been doing since you graduated?
I earned my MSW from Florida State University and my PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision from Regent University. I was employeed with the Department of Veterans Affairs until April 2012.

What is your current position?
I am currently on faculty with several universities teaching in counseling programs.

What advice would you offer to new students at the College of Charleston who are thinking of declaring a major in Sociology?
Consider what career path you are interested in and ensure the degree can aid in your future plans.

What advice would you offer to students graduating from the College of Charleston with a degree in Sociology?
I am a fan of education, and encourage everyone to consider a graduate degree. BUT, only if it does not lead to unmanageable debt.

What was your most memorable learning experience in Sociology?
Going to New Orleans to present at the American Sociological Association’s Annual Convention in Spring 2003 with Dr. Bakanic.

How has your experience in Sociology at the College of Charleston helped you in your career?
This was the start of my education in the social sciences. It gave me the foundation for the rest of my education.

What unexpected benefits have you derived from a degree in Sociology?
All three of my degrees are different, yet they weave together in such a way that enables me to understand individuals, families, groups, and society as a whole. I credit my degree in Sociology as giving me the starting point.

What class did you most enjoy while earning your degree at the College of Charleston?
I enjoyed many classes, but think the most meaningful was Medical Sociology with Dr. Dickinson. I still have one of the books we read called “The Scalpel’s Edge”…a must read! 

What class was the most applicable to your everyday life now that you’ve graduated?
I completed two internships that led to my desire to become a social worker. I greatly benefitted from my work with the Guardian Ad Litem Program and with the Medical University of South Carolina where I worked in a number of areas including the Cystic Fibrosis Clinic and the Infant HIV Prevention Program. 

What made you choose the College of Charleston over other schools?
I loved Charleston and after finding out that the College offered my desired major and minor, I was excited to enroll!

How has a degree from the College of Charleston improved your ability to network?
The College of Charleston has a great alumni network. I regularly meet others who attended CofC, and this gives us an instant connection!

How has a Sociology degree made you a more well-rounded person?
I interacted with many faculty and students while pursuing my Sociology degree. The diversity of thought both challenged me and led to a strengthening of my own convictions.

under: Alumni Spotlight

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