Sarah Vining, Zeta Tau Alpha

When people ask me how I liked the College of Charleston, I reply with “It was the best experience I could have asked for,” and I can honestly say my sorority plays a huge role in that.  I began my freshman year at the College feeling like a number in a crowd.  I took part in fall recruitment my sophomore year, unsure of what sorority I would join but soon fell in love with the girls of Zeta Tau Alpha. I accepted a bid from ZTA and instantly began making the most of my college career by taking on different leadership roles within the sorority. I made my best friends through Zeta.  I went abroad this past semester and I’m now graduated, living in a new city, but I can say my sisters are the friends who have made the most effort to stay in touch.  It’s much more than going to socials and paying dues, it’s a friendship that truly lasts forever. As with everything in life, college is what you make of it.  If you’re debating about joining a sorority or fraternity, at least go through recruitment, you’ll surprise yourself.  Going greek helped to make my experience at CofC what it was!

Sarah Vining ’10, Communications

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