Author Archives: freemanlb

Logan’s Response to Kelly’s “Bodies”

This poem works well as a prose poem because it is tells a piece of a story without the whole thing. It gives the reader an insight as to how the speaker feels and gives context too it, but doesn’t … Continue reading

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Logan Freeman’s Response to Paige Lincenberg’s Poem 7

This poem appears to be a Horation Ode because it addresses the private crisis of encountering stress and dealing with it by getting lost in a novel. The structure is very organized, with three, three-line stanzas that begin with “I am.” … Continue reading

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Logan’s Response to Kay’s “Asphalt Confessions”

I really enjoyed the rhyme in the first stanza, but was confused about the rhyme in the second stanza. The first two limes don’t rhyme with the rest of the stanza so that confused me a little bit. However, overall, … Continue reading

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Logan Freeman’s Response to Emily Duell’s “Outerspace”

“Outerspace” was a really enchanting, dream-like poem that pulls you away from reality. The content of this poem works really well with the structure of a sestina. The repetition of the words at the end of each line is done … Continue reading

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Logan Freeman’s Peer Response to Cailin Boegel

I really liked the rhyme usage in this poem, it went perfectly with the Shakespearian Sonnet. It wasn’t too pushy, and it flowed well. I also liked the trope of the poem, which seemed to be your identity. However, I … Continue reading

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Logan’s Response to Megan’s Poem 3

Megan’s poem “Things to Have at a Central Park Picnic” does a great job of providing imagery through similes associated with the images she chooses. I like that she compares a box of Valentine’s Day chocolates to the sweetness of … Continue reading

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Amani Eley’s Poem #2 Reviewed by Logan Freeman

I really love how the poem uses alliteration to make the sound of the word love. I also love that the title of the poem makes this connection for us. The images he associates with love also give this sort … Continue reading

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Andrew Halley’s Poem #1- reviewed by Logan Freeman

I thought this poem did a great job of comparing a relationship to two balloons. It definitely makes you visualize the balloons floating up to the clouds, almost like two people who are in a relationship at first, very similar … Continue reading

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