Author Archives: Emdia

Literary Event(s) for Emdia Singleton

Well I attended 2 but I am not entirely sure the first one counts, so I went to a more official one for credit. Event 1: I am a DJ for Cistern Yard radio, and there was an event at … Continue reading

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Logan Freeman’s “Im just Try’na Get Outta Here”

I just want to start by saying that as I sat on my couch with heavy eyes and a battered spirit, this was exactly the poem that I needed to read. This is the complaint poem that speaks to every … Continue reading

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A Response to Tyler’s “Weekends are for,” By Emdia Singleton

Weekends are for, speaks to the carelessness of the weekend, that feeling that we get every Friday where for two beautiful days it feels like pure unadulterated freedom not bound by the restriction of the weekday. This poem is definitely … Continue reading

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Emdia Singleton’s Response to Caroline Goodin’s “Guitar”

Caroline chose to do a personification poem for a guitar. She creates the idea of a codependent love affair between the guitar and its player. Caroline also adds a very sensual level to her poem by describing the playing of … Continue reading

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A Response to Emily Duell’s “What is left when the snow melts?”

In “What is left when the snow melts?” The speaker observes a wintery scene in Brooklyn which causes him or her to think more about what is beneath the “masquerade of snow” (line 9) Emily’s chose to follow the Petrarchan … Continue reading

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A Peer Response to Cailin’s “Falling Asleep”

Cailin took on the task of making the abstract experience into something concrete. The particular experience she chose to tackle was the simple act of falling asleep. Each stanza focuses on a single aspect of the act and attempt (rather … Continue reading

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