Monthly Archives: April 2015

Tyler Herzog’s Response to “This Is What Had Happened on the First Night We Took Shrooms” by Dylan Magruder

In this prose poem, the title definitely gets the ball rolling by setting the scene, while the following couple of paragraphs delve into the deeper meaning of what it means to enjoy a high. The poem begins with the speaker … Continue reading

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Response To Andrew’s “Love Tastes Like Chocolate”

This poem seems to be a critique on either love or Valentine’s day and love. The poem starts to discuss the process of love, how in its earliest stages it’s actually pure and innocent. The speaker then tells how, soon, … Continue reading

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A Formal Analysis of Amani Eley’s “August’s Flowers Bring Warm Showers”

Amani Eley’s “August’s Flowers Bring Warm Showers” is a poem about a girl whose brother has recently passed away and the realization of his death comes when she reminisces the fact that he always used to “eat” up all of the … Continue reading

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Logan Freeman’s “Im just Try’na Get Outta Here”

I just want to start by saying that as I sat on my couch with heavy eyes and a battered spirit, this was exactly the poem that I needed to read. This is the complaint poem that speaks to every … Continue reading

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Peer Response to Megan Dunn’s Monday

Megan Dunn’s Monday is a complaint poem about the feeling and the day that are Mondays.  Throughout the poem, Dunn reflects on her negative feelings towards Monday and even offers comparisons between Mondays and other less desirable things.  The form … Continue reading

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Logan’s Response to Kelly’s “Bodies”

This poem works well as a prose poem because it is tells a piece of a story without the whole thing. It gives the reader an insight as to how the speaker feels and gives context too it, but doesn’t … Continue reading

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Peer Response to Emdia’s “The Problem with being a People Pleaser”

Emdia’s poem, “The Problem with being a People Pleaser,” follows a narrator with an acute sense of why people like them. This is how the poem starts out; the narrator explains that it’s “easy enough to be liked” if you … Continue reading

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Peer Response to Josh Mangle’s “Knight’s Title”

Although this poem was short and simple in structure, I believe there were a lot of different aspects that worked well together throughout the poem. Some of these aspects include imagery, word choice, and the way the prose poem was … Continue reading

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Emily Duell’s “In Room 118 of the Best Western, Before Starting College”

This week, Emily chose to pursue the prose poem. From the title, we know that the setting takes place in a particular room (118) of the Best Western Inn of (I’m assuming,) Charleston. Immediately we’re introduced to a “I,” the … Continue reading

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Paige Lincenberg’s “Sole vs. Soul”

This poem talks about the similarities (and a few differences) between the “sole” and the “soul.” The speaker compares the soul to the sole saying that: because you walk everywhere, you are progressing, much like how your soul is growing; some … Continue reading

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