Literary Event – Kelly Dillon

For my literary event, I attended the fiction reading of Charles Baxter. The reading took place on March 25th at Randolph Hall. There, he read from a handful of short stories, like those from his new book “There’s Something I Want You to Do.” I found the readings really emotionally charged – especially the one that was based on a true story, where Mr. Baxter got in an accident when in a limousine and rolled off of the highway. Additionally, I liked the idea that the book had recurring characters in it despite the short stories themselves being stand-alone in theme and plot so it could contain a sense of familiarity in each story for the reader, while also keeping tabs on particular characters in other points of view.

I’m also in the capstone fiction course, so Charles Baxter came to speak with us during class time. We asked him a lot of questions about writing, and it was a really enlightening session!

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