Monthly Archives: November 2014

Trudy Lewis Fiction Reading

On Thursday, I had the pleasure of attending the fiction reading in Towell Library. Trudy Lewis, who I learned to be an old professor and long-time friend of Professor Varallo, read from the first two chapters of her freshly released … Continue reading

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Response to Chris Wilcox’s “A Simple Dispatch”

This poem seems to be about a speaker who is struggling to deal with the tortures of being one half of a long distance relationship. At first, the speaker seems confident in the relationship and the hope of the two … Continue reading

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Taylor Fussell ” A Walk Through Wonderland” response William Weaks

This poems form is short but the way that the poem flows with the word choice is pleasant. The speaker is talking about her dreams and how the supposed “Alice” takes them through their dreams of wonderland. I like the … Continue reading

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Response to Richard Hogue’s “How I Lost My Mother”

Richard’s poem gives a deep look into what it’s like to watch your relative slowly lose their mind to a disease like dementia or Alzheimer’s. The speaker in the poem is the mother who is suffering from the condition, which … Continue reading

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Taylor Fussell’s Response to “I’z, Flyz, Sin” by William Weaks

This poem is about a speaker who was warned by his mother to stay away from the pitcher plant. She warned because the plant “smells like heaven and looks inviting.” The poem makes it known that the speaker’s father was … Continue reading

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Nick Levitt’s response to Madeline’s poem: “Lucky Stiff”

Madeline’s poem is the story of a simple, albeit usually drunk, man who is a regular at a diner, and his unique hearse. The story progresses from first a description of the man to the story of how he came … Continue reading

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Peer Response: Amber Crausby

I really enjoyed Amber’s poem Face Down.  It is a poem about someone waking up with a hangover.  It is a prose poem which was a good choice because it gives the reader a sense of discombobulation, much like someone feels … Continue reading

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Trudy Lewis “Empire Rolls” reading by Madeline Barry

On November 13, Trudy Lewis read two chapters from her recently published novel “Empire Rolls” in Towell Library. The book is about Sally LaChance, a park ranger and roller derby announcer in Missouri and her relationships with other people involved … Continue reading

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Madeline’s Response to Nick’s poem “Not Another Love Poem”

Nick’s poem is about a lover trapped in a relationship with someone he can’t seem to say no to. The speaker is treated like a cigarette, “Spark me up/ Get me hot/ Burn me down/ Stub me out” and a … Continue reading

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Haley’s response to Johnsie’s poem “Not Visiting You Again”

Johnsie’s poem “Not Visiting You Again” is a complaint poem regarding the speakers lover and his bad habits. The speaker is set off by her recent visit to him where he pays her no attention and instead plays his video … Continue reading

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