The Who’s Tommy at Emmett Robinson Theatre


On Sunday November 17th, I attended my third production produced by the College of Charleston Theatre group and was impressed yet again. The Who’s Tommy was directed by Mark Landis. The dates of The Who’s Tommy were November 7th to the 17th. The primary reason me and MANY other College of Charleston Students attend the ones on campus is just because of how convenient they are. You would think by my third event maybe I could branch out and go to Theatre 99‘s productions or maybe something at the Redux.  Ticket sales are fair, could be better, theaters are on campus, you can relate with some of the student and many other reasons that give you an attachment to CofC  Theatre.

This particular play,  The Who’s Tommy was about a little boy who was abused because he was deaf, blind, and mute. The characters were all super enthusiastic as usual and the young actor who was playing the part of the disables boy did spectacular! It was a musical play which I’m not a big fan of but it turned out to be pretty good. I knew a few people in the play and that gave me a sense of relativity and also saw many of my kind professors as I was walking in.

As a recommendation from me, I would say don’t ever hesitate to attend a presentation by CofC. It seems clichè but they are actually really good. Ticket prices like I said could be better (we are just college students) and they could open up the ticket sales earlier. After a week all 317 seats were filled up and extra people were trying to sneak in, which did NOT work. Overall a great experience, great play and smooth control of the entire night.

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