Photography and the American Civil War


On October 8th, I attended an exhibition at The Gibbes Museum of Art , which walked me through over 200 photographs of the American civil war and explored the evolution of the camera role through one of the most gruesome wars of all time. The camera played a huge role in capturing images of the disturbing battle scenes, the mass destructions that had taken place and the horrid wounds that occurred on the battle fields.  The evolution of photography was a very significant time in American history. The photographs being presented were very moving, which really allowed my senses to fully engage with what really went on during this gruesome war.  I really enjoyed learning history through the art and photography that was displayed and reading the fascinating stories that the photographs captured.


From a manager point of view, I thought the exhibition lacked poor planning. I think they could have done a better job organizing a specific route for the people to follow, making it easier to fully engage in every piece of information presented there. I think they could have also done a better job marketing this event all over downtown Charleston and around campus, because I had heard about it very last minute. But, overall, I really enjoyed my experience and I would recommend this exhibition to anyone who really appreciates history from the civil war and how it affected both the North and South. The admission fee for students was 7 dollars, and was far worth the cost.




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