ALA 2010

Session 15-H Kurt Vonnegut, his Precursors and Successors (Seacliff B)

  • Organized by the Kurt Vonnegut Society
  • Chair: Robert T. Tally Jr., Texas State University
  1. “Re-imagining the Past and Lampooning the Present: Recollecting Twain in Vonnegut’s Chronological Disruptions,” Dustin S. Jones, San Francisco State University.
  2. “Vonnegut and Nietzsche: Music and Spirituality, Skepticism and Mysticism.” Nick Curry, Kendall College.
  3. “The Science Delusion: Kurt Vonnegut, Ron Currie, Jr., and Edgar Allan Poe-tee-weet?” Steve Gronert Ellerhoff, Portland, OR.
  4. “Slaughterhouse 9/11: Foer, Vonnegut, and the Poetics of Atrocity.” Peter C. Kunze, Florida State University.

Session 18-C Reading Vonnegut, Teaching Vonnegut (Seacliff A)

  • Organized by the Kurt Vonnegut Society
Chair: Marc Leeds, President, The Kurt Vonnegut Society
  1. “Vonnegut’s Comic Realism in Slaughter-house Five.” Ryan Wepler, Brandeis University.
  2. “Postmodern Infundibula and Other Non-Linear Time Structures in Vonnegut’s Novels.” Sharon Lynn Sieber, Idaho State University.
  3. “Double-Thinking: God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater and Adorno’s Negative Dialectics.” Dennis Williams, College of Charleston.
  4. “Teaching Vonnegut in the Context of 20th-century American War Literature.” Susan Farrell, College of Charleston.