The Commons

The commons are a relevant topic to a discussion of Utopia, as they are a collective entity that can be shared by all. In Hardin’s perspective the commons, we see where a collective resource is depleted when certain individual’s seek to gratify their own utility, preference orderings and desires. The commons is relevant in multiple ways to modern discussions of political science and world views. The COP 21 conference for instance, a perfect example of the commons being taken advantage of in a damaging and terrifying way, yet the collective UN based conference is seeking to follow the footsteps of Kyoto and the UNFCCC to create a world that is more similar to a utopia than the dystopia realities of climate change without limits. Really when speaking of any realm of IR or IPE it is valid to consider the eco-wholist ideals of sustainable development that are seemingly Utopic in that they necessitate the education of desire element in order to be brought to any meaningful fruition. The individuals in charge of making the world better in terms of limited or sustained growth must envision in the imperfections of reality, a better more harmonious world order. I think it is bold for these men and women to step forward into a conference hall to think in terms of a distant future where universal fellowship and expanded consciousness allow for the formation of a more perfect world that is solved by the collective ordering of commons. Another example is the underwater commons. Between the fiberoptic cables of telecommunications and the pipelines there is a shared responsibility to protect these globalizing connections. While in no way this is representative of an idea utopia, in what way does our responsibility to common resources resemble an intentionally constructed community built on educating desire rather than squandering the resources of our planet?

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