Slavery, Disease and Suffering in the Southern Lowcountry

Peter McCandless is the author of Slavery, Disease and Suffering in the Southern Lowcountry (Cambridge University Press, 2011). Peter Coclanis states this is “the work of a masterful historian.” Congratulations Peter!

Peter McCandless, Distinguished Professor of History Emeritus, retired from the College in 2008 after 34 years. Since then he has been traveling and writing. He has spent much of that time in Turkey and the UK but has also traveled to Italy and Romania, and about the US. He recently published Slavery, Disease, and Suffering in the Southern Lowcountry (Cambridge University Press, 2011) a study of the relationship between the region’s rice-growing slave economy and its high incidence of disease mortality and morbidity. He is currently at work on a historical novel about the revolution in South Carolina, entitled The Loyalist.  This fall he is teaching a class entitled Plagues and Peoples, which explores how disease has helped to shape the modern world.

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