Nature Inspiration

First off, it’s a great day to be alive. Happy Earth Day. The Earth is one of the many places to feel connected. I feel extremely connected to the natural world as a human because of everything that goes on in my life. For this assignment, I chose to use my time at the beach. I feel the beach is one of the more calming areas in the world. I enjoy the beach because it makes feel closer to the earth. I decided to use my time to pick up trash along the shores and the dunes. Most of the oceans are polluted with debris and have been killing off all the animals. Did you know 550 million straws are used by Americans daily, enough to circle the Earth five times. This has changed my perspective of the world and why it is so important to keep the earth clean. My connection to the earth has changed over the years as I became older. I feel as if I started caring more about the changes in the Earth this year as I started living on my own. I learned to recycle more and keep my area clean.

Over the past few years, traveling to new and exciting places has also opened my eyes to the good and bad in the world. One of the reasons I have started to care so much was because of my recent trip to Alaska. I encountered some native tribes known as the Trinkets. During our dancing and singing circle I felt so deeply connected with not only the people but with the most beautiful place in the world. Another activity we had was a quiet time, just like this assignment. We would spend five to ten minutes in the Alaskan air, journaling and gathering our thoughts. I found this a time to very open and connecting with the Earth.

Being connected to the natural world is very rewarding. As a human we encounter a great deal of things that we need to fix. With the oceans being polluted, animas going extinct, and global warming spiraling we need to be better humans to the earth. I feel being connected helps me day in and day out because the earth is our home and we should take care of it.



A Plastic Ocean Documentary

This documentary that shows us the state of our oceans and uncovers alarming facts about the consequences of our disposable lifestyle. It documents the global effects of plastic pollution. Throughout the film it shows us technology and solutions that everyone can do in order to help create a cleaner and greener ocean. The world we live in is full of plastic. The things we use in our day to day are made out of plastic. Shopping bags, bottles, toothbrushes, and even our clothes contain plastic. We have been mass-producing plastic since the 1950s. Every year we produce hundreds of million os tonnes of plastic. The majority of our plastic is not recycled and ends up in our landfills and oceans. The beginning part of the film starts out with an adventure to film the blue whale. This animals is the largest animal on the planet and while on their adventure it leads to them discovering a thick layer of plastic debris that is floating in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Over the course of the film it shows the viewers the marine environment that will be affected by the heavily polluted cities and dumps that are full of plastic waste. Throughout the film, we are shown footage of numerous marine species that have been affected by plastic debris. Marine animals and sea birds often mistake floating plastic for food. Large pieces of plastic, when eaten, can obstruct the animals’ digestive tracts of the animals, essentially starving them to death. There is not a quick fix for our plastic problem since plastic is so ingrained into our society. The film talks about various strategies that can help reduce the impact of plastic. If it was a simple fix, the ideal solution would be to avoid plastic containing products. Avoid using single use plastic products and recycling all the time. If items are not recyclable than a new technology has been developed to covert them into fuel. 

Sustainable Documentary

This film examines the value of sustainable farming from a well-being of the land and health of society to the cause of an economy built around a locally grown food system. In order to have a sustainable food system it needs to be built on quality nutrition, community, and ethical agricultural practices. This is very different from today’s industrial production that is focused on quantity and profit. The importance of local farming and the impact of it has on the community, land relates to food activism and food security. In the beginning, Chef Rick, who opens the film by reflecting on his decision to source local ingredients. He told us that, he kept asking himself about he was going to make great food if he didn’t have any connection to the people who are growing that food. Throughout the documentary it is critical of industrial farming. The main focus of the film is central Illinois farmers Marty and Kris Travis and their grown son, Will. The family is very passionate about the way they work Spence Farm, the small plot of land they repurchased in 1999 after a prior generation had to sell it the decade before. Marty is a seventh-generation farmer who has watched his land and community fall victim to the pressures of big agribusiness. The Travises only started turning a profit after attending a meeting of Chicago restaurant chefs looking for a locally grown organic produce supply chain. The chefs would place an order for whatever underserved produce they needed the next season and the Travises would figure out how to organically grow it.Every season the film checks in with Marty Travis who shares what it’s like on his farm during that particular time of year. It was interesting to me to see what life is like through the eyes of Marty Travis and to learn a little bit about what he experiences each season. Their neighbors, traditional farmers farming a thousand acres or more and are making $400 an acre. While Spence Farm is making in $2,200 on each of their 160 acres. The film shows us the economics of farming without the high chemical input costs that have become the new way of farming and producing. he Travis family recruits other small struggling farmers, some give credit to the family for saving their own operations. From the film we learn that most of the farming land in Iowa is used to grow corn and oats. The raw product of these crops means that the farmers are entirely at the mercy of markets. Their crop prices have nothing to do with the quality of their output in a given year. From this we could say that the sustainable farmers in the film have more control over what they choose to grow and charge for their yield.

News Report

Title: Study Finds Growing Corn Is A Major Contributor To Air Pollution


Lambert, J. (2019, April 01). Growing Corn Is A Major Contributor To Air Pollution, Study Finds. Retrieved April 1, 2019, from

Main Ideas:

  • Food production creates around a quarter of global greenhouse emissions.
  • In this report it talks about how the food we eat contributes to the quality of the air we breathe.
  • Air pollution is one of the largest environmental health risk factors in the U.S.
  • Astudy published in Nature Sustainabilitymodeled how the production of a single crop. In this case corn, contributes to air pollution in the U.S. The researchers found that corn production accounts for 4,300 premature deaths related to air pollution every year. This is a significant amount.
  • Ammonia from the fertilizer application was by far the largest contributor to corn’s air pollution footprint.
  • Corn is the largest agricultural crop in the U.S. Researchers wanted to find out where most of the impact from corn production happen on the farm or upstream in the supply chain.
  • To find out, they used a detailed life cycle model that describes the different stages of the corn supply chain.
  • They studied every stage of the process, like fertilizer production, running tractors and tilling land.
  • This all accounts for about 16 percent of all human-caused air pollution
  • Exposure to these examples have beenassociated with cardiovascular problems, respiratory illness, diabetes and even birth defects.
  • After studying emissions, they found that growing corn in Minnesota will result in emissions in Florida.
  • With this data, the researchers modeled how corn production emissions contribute to air pollution on a county-by-county basis and mapped those data onto census data to understand who’s exposed to these emissions.
  • 86% of emissions happen on farms and the rest occurred elsewhere in the supply chain, according to the study.
  • The main cause was fertilizer application.
  • Like I said earlier Ammonia from fertilizer application accounted for about 70% of attributable deaths
  • The nitrogen in fertilizers helps fuel plant growth, but not all of it can be used by the plant. “Some of that nitrogen washes into waterways, and some of it gets released into the atmosphere as ammonia
  • It is estimated that air quality-related health damages cost $39 billion annually.
  • The top five corn-producing states show that 54% of the deaths associated with air pollution is caused by corn production.
  • In areas with lower yields or that were closer to major citiesshow that damages of corn actually exceed its market price.
  • Researchers suggest that the producing of corn is more damaging than the economic benefit it provides.
  • It is believed that the total contribution of corn to air pollution is higher because this study didn’t consider what is done with the corn after it gets produced. Much of the corn produced in the U.S. goes to feed livestock, which has its own contributions to air pollution.


  • What other foods do we produce that might also have this effect on the environment?
  • What can we do to help cut back on these emissions?
  • What can we use as an alternative to corn? What can we feed our livestock instead?
  • How can we get this information out to the public? So, they can make more informative decisions about what we eat.

What the Health Documentary

What The Health is a documentary on Netflix. It focuses on how the food we eat affects our health and environment. It also focuses on how businesses, industry, and public policy also affect what we eat. In the film it argues that meat and diary products are the main reason for cancer, diabetes, obesity, ad heart disease. This documentary promotes and discusses how a vegan diet is beneficial. In the film they believe that disease and our diets are related. I found it really interesting that they believed that having a plant-based diet could reverse chronic diseases. Throughout the film they interviewed people that many different problems, like diabetes and asthma. We can see that these individuals are overweight and they are taking a lot of different kinds of medications. They are in pain due to being overweight. I really do like the meaning behind this film but I think there are some example of personal bias. The film shows us how filmmaker Kip Anderson uncovers the secret to preventing and even reversing chronic diseases. It investigates why the nation’s leading health organizations don’t want us to know about it. With heart disease and cancer being the leading cause of death in America, and diabetes at an all-time high, the film helps reveal the major health issues. Processed meat causes cancer and diabetes. Sugar does not cause diabetes: it’s actually caused by the buildup of fat in the blood, which is causing insulin resistance, preventing the sugar from getting into your cells, where it belongs. The focus on sugar has taken all the focus off of meat, dairy, eggs, turkey, pork, and chicken. One serving of processed meat per day increased the risk of developing diabetes by 51 %. Filmmaker, Kip Anderson, asked a cancer information specialist at the American Cancer Society why they recommended processed meats, the expert said, “Let me put you on a brief hold and get back with you.” He came back and said someone would get back with him later. In the United States, 1 out of every 4 deaths is related to cancer. When Kip Anderson got a confirmation for a meeting with an American Cancer Society representative, he found out it was cancelled at the last minute when the representative found out the meeting was going to be about the correlation between diet and cancer. She said she could no longer do the interview. After repeated emails asking why, she eventually stopped responding all together. Dr. Alan Goldhamer said,  “Two-thirds of adults are now overweight or obese, and we have an epidemic cascade of debilitating disease that is overcoming the country. There is no way we can sustain the current style of care with the epidemic that we’re creating with our diet and lifestyle choices.”. Kip Anderson said, then it all came together when he realized whom these large health organizations were taking money from: The American Diabetes Association was taking money from Dannon, one of the world’s largest dairy yogurt producers; Kraft Foods, makers of Velveeta processed cheese; Oscar Mayer which markets Lunchables processed kids’ meals; and Bumble Bee Foods, makers of processed canned meats. The American Cancer Society was taking money from Tyson, one of the world’s largest meat producers; and Yum brand, owner of Pizza Hut, KFC, and Taco Bell. Susan G. Komen, which was supposed to be fighting breast cancer was corporate partnering with KFC, Dietz & Watson processed meats, and Yoplait Yogurt. Every single one of these organizations was taking money from the meat and dairy companies that are associated with the causes of these diseases. 

Personal Change & How I Stopped Using Plastic Water Bottles

Some thing I have been actively working on this year is my plastic bottle usage. Last year while living in the dorm I went through at least four bottles of water every day. This adds up to a lot of unnecessary plastic waste. This year I have been really trying to cut back on all my plastic usage but mainly my plastic bottle usage. I have been trying to live more sustainably with small changes in my life. Plastic bottles are not only bad for our environment but they are are also an unnecessary cost when you can just drink tap. I use a Brita to filter my water from the tap and fill up my hydro flask so that I am no longer using plastic bottles. I always make sure that I have a reusable bottle with me so I do not have a need to buy anything in a plastic bottle.  

Did you know that thirty eight billion water bottles, which is over 2 million tons, end up in U.S. landfills each year. “Bottled water hold the 2nd largest share of the beverage market in the U.S., ahead of milk and beer. The only thing Americans guzzle down more than bottled water is soda, which is consumed about twice as often (Rebecca Lake)”.Plastic waste washes into the ocean and kills 1.1 million marine creatures every year. I looked up an estimate of about how much money people spend on water bottles each year and I was shocked. In a year most people spend almost $2,000 on water bottles. If you replaced the plastic bottles with a Brita you would twenty six times more on bottles than a Brita. By using reusable bottles it is a less wasteful and more cost-effective alternative than using plastic bottles. It helps lower the amount of waste in landfills, reduces the harmful chemicals, and helps protects animals and the habitats. In the United States alone we used 1,500 plastic water bottles every one second! After producing bottled water in a year it takes seventeen million barres of oil. The plastic in the bottles has toxins in it. When theses bottles go into the ocean it lets toxins into the water. These toxins have been linked to health problems in humans, like cancer. Plastic is not biodegrade and never will be even when it is in its smallest form. 

I haven’t really had struggles with the switch besides when I travel. Over spring break I was flying and I had to buy a plastic water bottle in the airport. Other than that I have found it easy to just use my reusable water bottle. I definitely think that I will stick with this because it is better for the environment and it’s a simply way to make a small change in order to help the environment. It also would help me save money and be better for my own health. I think if others want to make this change they should buy reusable water bottle with you and carry them at all times. If you have it with you all the time there is never a need to buy something that is in a plastic bottle.