A Plastic Ocean Documentary


This documentary that shows us the state of our oceans and uncovers alarming facts about the consequences of our disposable lifestyle. It documents the global effects of plastic pollution. Throughout the film it shows us technology and solutions that everyone can do in order to help create a cleaner and greener ocean. The world we live in is full of plastic. The things we use in our day to day are made out of plastic. Shopping bags, bottles, toothbrushes, and even our clothes contain plastic. We have been mass-producing plastic since the 1950s. Every year we produce hundreds of million os tonnes of plastic. The majority of our plastic is not recycled and ends up in our landfills and oceans. The beginning part of the film starts out with an adventure to film the blue whale. This animals is the largest animal on the planet and while on their adventure it leads to them discovering a thick layer of plastic debris that is floating in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Over the course of the film it shows the viewers the marine environment that will be affected by the heavily polluted cities and dumps that are full of plastic waste. Throughout the film, we are shown footage of numerous marine species that have been affected by plastic debris. Marine animals and sea birds often mistake floating plastic for food. Large pieces of plastic, when eaten, can obstruct the animals’ digestive tracts of the animals, essentially starving them to death. There is not a quick fix for our plastic problem since plastic is so ingrained into our society. The film talks about various strategies that can help reduce the impact of plastic. If it was a simple fix, the ideal solution would be to avoid plastic containing products. Avoid using single use plastic products and recycling all the time. If items are not recyclable than a new technology has been developed to covert them into fuel. 

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