Advocacy 102

Last week I attended the Advocacy 102 discussion panel held by the Office of Sustainability. This panel discussion had two main points. The first being advocacy and the second being activism. The panel discussed the idea of what these two terms mean and how we can imply them in our very own lives. The term first term, advocacy, was defined as speaking on behave of an organization or community. The second term activism was defined as an intentional action. A theme that was brought up throughout this panel discussion was that most movements whether big or small need both advocacy and activism. The three panelists all agreed that we shouldn’t assume. But before the panelist started their discussion the host of the panel lead us in the room in a land acknowledgement. I have ever been a part of one of those before and it was a really cool opportunity and wish more organizations at the college would start doing them. It made me think of all the people who have been in that same space before me and also the people that will be there in the future. The three panelists were Thomas Dixson, Mika Gadsden, and Anjali. These three people talked about their experience in leading activism here In the Charleston area and how they have learned so much from there time. They also spoke about how they have been and continue to be advocates for the community and the fellow humans they represent. Even though the three panelists are different from me and come from different places in the country, we all had one similarity and that is that we are all humans. We all have different thigs that make us tick and geek out. One quote by Thomas Dixson stated, “what is the point of having a voice if you use it in a time of loudness, but you are not going to use it in a time of silence”. I liked this quote because I feel as if we are easy to speak about a particular idea when there is an uproar among us, but when no one else is talking about it, we are slow to words. Like I said earlier the panel was called Advocacy 102 and the two main ideas were advocacy and activism. These two points relate to this environmental 200 class because of how we can advocate for and be activist for a more sustainable world. I feel as if I learned so much about the differences in these two terms. I would have to say that my overall experience was fantastic as I listened to stories of all three-panelist ad how they have impacted the world in a positive way.  As I know this is a class in environmental sustainability, we have to be able to advocate and be activist for mother nature. It’s not going to be easy nor should it be. Our goal is to live a life that is more sustainable and to help protect the earth. I feel as if I learned a lot about those two points. Ow I am not going to quite college and travel around the world being a activist but I can be an advocate for better sustainability on campus here at the College of Charleston.

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