Riley Kent Mountain Film Festival

The approved event I attended for the blog post was called the Mountain Film Festival. This event was held on Sunday February tenth at the Charleston Music Hall. Mountain Film Festival is made up many short non fiction documentaries that address issues in the environment, culture, climbing, politics, and social justices. Part of the beauty of this festival is the fact that it goes beyond film by bringing together top tier athletes, changemakers, and artists for a celebratory gathering that honors what they have done and plan to do with future journeys. I found this relatable to the the class because it depicted many individuals personal relationship with nature as well as showing the passion for the intrinsic value the natural earth beholds.

With lots of thought about the destruction of our lands you soon can realize activities like mountain biking, rock climbing, skiing, and art will be severely hindered by our effect on the environment. For example the skiing world has large chances of being impacted by the rising climate… as we all probably know snow is something that requires low temperatures to be produced thus can be affected such changes. Another example of threat will be facing many nature lovers but in specifically certain groups of the art community. Many artists take pride in the natural world and formulate work based of these sacred spaces but this faces change when land is exploited and turned into industrial space for profit. This also brought up thoughts about the triple bottom line which made me think greater on the inner connections between economic status, the environment, and the politics set in place to have responsibility over decision making.

Leaving the event I felt extremely motivated to give greater attentiveness towards two prominent entities. First being my passions and secondly being a focus on the preservation of these sacred spaces that allow us to actively engage in our passions. I was able to understand that my passions stem from the earth and without the resources surrounding us I wouldn’t have my passions. Another point developed in my head was the fact that we as human beings tend to choose a short term satisfaction (like materialism) rather than a dedicated focuses to our long term goals that can benefit us on greater levels. An example of this could be something like littering, normally which is done out of ignorance and convenience when someone can’t dispose of trash properly and are to lazy to hold it until the point they can dispose of it properly.

One thought on “Riley Kent Mountain Film Festival

  1. I’m so glad that you reviewed this event because I wanted to go, but I unfortunately wasn’t able to! I agree with your points on how many people who appreciate nature through activities such as skiing and mountain biking will no longer be able to enjoy these activities due to a changing climate. I also wonder if many of these individuals recognize this endangerment through their love of nature, prompting them to create change in their lives to protect the spaces that allow for their passions. Our society is very materialistic because we are driven by consumerism (as we have discussed in class), and I believe that more people need to appreciate the beauty of nature instead of the quantity of their belongings in order to raise awareness and create change.

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