Archive | Why We Travel

Reflections and Anticipations: My Time in Europe

I take a breath and as I inhale—yes, I’m taking in oxygen—but just as much, I’m inhaling the music and chatter in the background of my setting. There’s a flute flourish and a round of laughter. A football match blares on the television above the bar, but I don’t know what teams are playing. I’m […]

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why we travel

In Pico Lyer’s Why We Travel, the question is proposed as to why a person makes the decision to travel- specifically abroad. Lyer has many detailed reasons as to why one might embark on a journey such as the one I am about to encounter in Spoleto, Italy. The first line of this reading really […]

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Why We Travel

As outlined by Lyer, there are many different reasons why one would choose to travel. Reasons he states throughout the article are self-search and anonymity, “not just the unknown, but the unknowing”, for love, for the answers to questions, to escape our current lives, to understand and help humanity in all areas of the world, […]

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Why I Travel

Pico Iyer’s article “Why We Travel,” delves into answering the exact question that the article title poses, while Iyer uses his own experiences as examples to explain the many reasons why one would travel, he also incorporates various descriptions from other writers and their experiences traveling and the outcome of it. Iyer writes that “travel, […]

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For the Love of Travel

Pico Iyer, a full-time, immensely accomplished writer, often indulges in the beauties of travel in his pieces. The effects of travel on self, why we travel, and the complexities of movement. All of these topics are heavily dissected in Iyer’s article, “Why We Travel” (2010). Iyer opens with the concept of “losing oneself.” This loss […]

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This is Why I Travel the World

Pico Lyer starts his travel essay simply answering the very first question he poses in his title. ‘Why Do We Travel?’ He explains throughout the rest of his essay why he answered what he did by using his past experiences and also relating it to other travel writers’ experiences as well. He does a great […]

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Traveling Outside the Box

The connection between “travel” and “travail” that Iyer writes about is at the heart of my purpose for traveling. These past few years have been an exercise of rejecting safety. Safety is my default. Anxieties ruled my life for far too long but in my recent experience, the richness of life has only begun to […]

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