Tag: classlist

OAKS and Banner Class List Synchronization

IT is investigating a possible synchronization issue between the Banner class list and the OAKS class list. If you experience a discrepancy between your OAKS and Banner class list, please contact the IT Helpdesk at 843-953-3375 or helpdesk@cofc.edu. IT will be closely monitoring any OAKS related Helpdesk tickets to verify if a pattern is evident….Continue Reading OAKS and Banner Class List Synchronization

OAKS and Banner Classlist Update

IT has been actively working to correct the synchronization issues between Banner and OAKS cross-listed courses (combining multiple sections of the same course into one OAKS shell). Thorough testing between Information Technology and the Registrar’s Office yielded successful results between Banner and OAKS Version 10.3. OAKS will be upgraded to Version 10.3 on May 9th….Continue Reading OAKS and Banner Classlist Update

Known Issue – OAKS and Banner Class List Synchronization

There is an known synchronization issue between the Banner class list and the OAKS class list that occurs during the Drop/Add period. This may result in a student’s record not being updated properly in OAKS.  The synchronization process between OAKS and Banner has a 99% success rate — as a result a very small number…Continue Reading Known Issue – OAKS and Banner Class List Synchronization