Buenasera —

Winding down our time now — we’re almost headed home.

But we decided to make one more road trip to Norcia and Castellucio for a few students who weren’t able to make the trip. What makes Norcia famous is that it’s the cured meat capital of Italy — photo 1 shoes a typical storefront in the town, and inside you’ll find whole walls of whole prosciutti and uncountable sausages (not to mention all the cheeses!). Once we got to the top of the mountain, we found it was too windy to sit at our usual perch (see day 4). Instead, we drove to the bottom of the valley and did like everyone that day: we pulled over in the van, popped open the doors, and had our own in-vehicle picnic (photo 2). As ever, the view was fabulous from the top of Castelluccio (photo 3), eliciting this awe-full response from Caroline (photo 4).

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Then back home.


Ciao —

