Buongiorno —

Guess what? A beautiful day!

A glimpse of the quotidian, and the sublime: Lunch happens between noon and one, after my travel writing class and before Tony’s fiction class. The students usually make their ways to a few select little cafés around Piazza della Libertá, chief among them the corner pizza stand, Zeppelin Pizza, which really is quite a good place. A slice of pizza for less than two bucks, and a nicely sized piece it is. Photo 1 shows Shika ogling a pizza, struggling with the decision as to what to eat; photo 2 shows Shika, Margaret and Jasmine outside on the patio right there on Piazza della Libertá, enjoying said pizza. Photo 3 shows yet another view, this of the main corso the students walk up and down every time they go to class.

lunch on the piazzaShika ogling

On the corso

One week to go before we head home!

Ciao —
