Honors Abroad Update!

Danielle Schwartz enjoys beautiful Irish scenery. Source: her study abroad blog, The Belfast Experience (link below).


Ryan Faucher poses next to a fountain in Munchen, Bavaria, Germany. Source: Ryan's Instagram (link below).

Ryan Faucher poses next to a fountain in Munchen, Bavaria, Germany. Source: Ryan’s Instagram (link below).

Honors students are striving not just to be great scholars, but global citizens. That’s why the Honors College encourages students to study abroad during their undergraduate careers. We gathered some of the blogs of students traveling this semester and even interviewed Honors junior Alex Worthy about the highlights of her experience!

Honors College: Hey, Alex! Thanks for taking the time to chat with us. First off, where are you studying (city & university)?

Alex Worthy: University of Nottingham – Nottingham, UK

HC: Which classes are you taking?

AW: I am taking three classes this semester.  Chaucer and his Contemporaries, Writing for the Stage, and James Joyce: Revolutions of the Word.

HC: Sounds awesome! How long will you be studying there?

AW: Studying for the semester of Fall 2014

HC: What has surprised you the most about Nottingham?

AW: The most surprising thing about where I am is how many landmarks are nearby.  For example, Sherwood Forest is 20 miles away, where the legend Robin Hood is said to have lived, and Wallaton Hall, which you may know better as Wayne Manor in The Dark Knight trilogy, is just a short walk from campus!

HC: That sounds amazing. We wish we could come visit you! What’s the coolest thing you’ve learned so far?

AW: The coolest thing I’ve learned so far is that Sweeney Todd was based on a real story!  Without the human meat pies though.

HC: Oh, how wonderfully gross. What has been your favorite sight so far?

AW: Big Ben at night.  London is amazing and I’ve never seen anything like it.

HC: What are you looking forward to the most that you haven’t done/seen yet?

AW: My friends and I are planning a trip to Scotland, so I’ll be visiting Edinburgh, Glasgow, and the highlands!

HC: That will be fun—be sure to send pics!What is the #1 thing you hope to get out of the experience (whether it be academic, social, personal, extracurricular, etc.)?

AW: I hope that out of this experience I feel growth.  I’ve already learned how to cook on my own, tried planning a trip (which has not happened yet, so I can’t speak for my planning skills), and have learned how to live with a rather limited wardrobe. I already feel more thrifty and less vain!

One Response to Honors Abroad Update!

  1. Maria Richardson November 5, 2014 at 3:49 pm #

    I love reading about the Honors College students studying abroad! Thanks for sharing.

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