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4 Life Lessons Learned From Archaeology

By Lauren Saulino
Posted on 8 May 2014 | 4:30 pm —

By: Contact: Jim Newhard, Classics professor and director of the archaeology program, 843.953.5485

The first graduates of the College of Charleston’s archaeology major will be crossing the Cistern on May 10, 2014.

RELATED: Find out what the first five archaeology graduates have planned for the future.

They share four life lessons they learned from archaeology.

1. Context is everything.

“The most valuable thing I learned from archaeology is how to analyze artifacts and to place them into the correct historical context,” James Boast says.

2. Be comfortable not knowing all the answers.

“Archaeology is a ever-changing field. People are finding new answers that we thought we knew the answers to long ago. More answers will come, but someone has to start looking,” says Jessica Coleman.

3. Sometimes doing nothing is the best approach.

“Sometimes in archaeology, the best approach is to not perform excavations,” Steven Paschal explains. “Patience is important because it allows the sites to stay intact for future archaeologists who might have better techniques and technology.”

4. Life isn’t fair.

Corey Heyward says, “I learned that not everyone has the opportunity to go to museums and visit archaeological sites. And so, I want to put my education towards fixing that.”

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